A few questions: [1] Who is the manufacturer (OEM) for this bulb? [2] When dimming, should the system be configured for CR or LR dimming? [3] What VA-load will a single bulb place on my circuit? (my maximum is 120 VA for CR dimming and 26 VA for LR dimming) [4] (How) does the color temperature change when dimming?

[1] Who is the manufacturer (OEM) for this bulb? LedStore.fi with ouw own supplier.

[2] When dimming, should the system be configured for CR or LR dimming? Leading edge

[3] What VA-load will a single bulb place on my circuit? (my maximum is 120 VA for CR dimming and 26 VA for LR dimming) LR, 4W (0,03A)

[4] (How) does the color temperature change when dimming? It does not change.

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