Led Store serves consumers, corporate and retail customers in all matters related to LED lighting. You can come and see our products, shop and get ideas for lighting directly in our store-showroom in Koivuhakka, Vantaa. Mesikukantie 16. You can reach us personally at the shop on 045 251 4510. Find out more about the shop and the staff: https://ledstore.pro/showroom

If you want a special offer on certain products, proceed through the online shopping cart.

We have made it very easy to send a request for quotation to LedStore. If you already know which products you need, register as a customer, collect the products in your shopping cart and request a quote for the contents of your shopping cart by clicking on the “copy to quote” button.

Add products to the request for quotation
Add products to the request for quotation

Once you have transferred the products to the request for quotation form, you can send it to us by filling in your contact details.


Once you have sent a request for a quote, you will receive an acknowledgement.

We will receive your request for quotation immediately and, almost without exception, we will reply within the same day.

You will receive an offer, which will allow you to either proceed to the checkout, or reject the offer.


Quotation submitted by Ledstore
Quotation submitted by Ledstore

If there are any questions about the products attached to the request for quotation, we will either answer them in writing in the quotation, or we will call you. Questions can be written in the “comments” section of the quotation

If you are not yet clear which products would best suit your needs, the best way is to first request a free consultation or our affordable lighting design.

We produce hundreds of designs a year as the basis for successful lighting for renovation and new build projects. Check out our planning service and submit a planning request. We will respond to requests as soon as possible:

Lighting design - we do lighting design
Lighting design – we do lighting design

Calculating the price of custom-made LED strip lighting

We have published a calculator open to all for calculating the price of custom-made products, which allows you to easily select LED strip products and enter the dimensions. You will receive an exact price for the package you choose as soon as it is ready for installation at LedStore’s LedShop. We also provide a personalised service for custom lighting design. More information about the workshop service

LedStore Custom made cost counter
LedStore Custom made cost counter

Installation service, call for quotations

We carry out installation work in the metropolitan area. You can request a quote for an installation using the form on the installation service page. Read more about the installation service and request a quote